Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Adorable with a capital "A"

I would love to be inside the mind of Miss Miriam.  At 18 months old, she is so smart.  I know I sound like your average bragging Grandma, but I can't keep up with the girl.  Probably because she has brothers, she has learned to defend herself really well.  Even more than that, she is continually on the offensive; not against her brothers or anyone, but continually exploring and doing.  No sitting quietly for this one - unless she has her blankie and thumb, and then for only 30 seconds.
On Monday I had Cameron, Eli, Miriam and Simon for the day.  Cameron & Eli are pretty self sufficient and Simon is a dream, cuddly baby.  Miriam is the cutest, funnest little girl there is.  But she wore me ragged.  Just a few things I had to keep up with:
While getting a poopy diaper changed, she grabbed it out from under herself, flinging the contents across the floor like a bowling ball.
While putting on some makeup, with her on my bed so she can put some on too, she grabbed the mascara right out of my hand and instantly had made her mark on the bedspread.
Grabbed the (washable) markers that her brothers use, and tried (I triumphed on this one) to write on the wall and herself.
Makes a beeline for the street when out in front.
Is the first one in the spray of water when I turned it on to water my pots.
Add to all of this that if you say her name in the wrong tone she'll burst into tears.
You simply cannot get mad at her.
I'm telling you, this girl is never idle, never without her little mind looking for the next opportunity.  I predict great things for her because these are characteristics you want them to  have when they grow up. 
In the meantime, she keeps everyone on their toes and is Adorable with a capital A. 
I sure do love her.

Amen to this


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Funny Girl

This funny girl sleeps with her hands straight out sometimes.  It's hilarious to watch.
In addition to that, she is a little potatobug and so adorable and mellow. 
I still think she has her mom's lips and looks like her, but I am seeing flashes of James, especially the way she stretches. 
 We love our baby Grace.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Running is good for you

Being the braggart that I am, I have to report on Cameron's participation in the "Capitol Classic" run last Saturday.  He is in the front in this picture and I can tell he is just loving it.
 And I can tell from this one that it is so good for their self esteem to participate in these kind of events.
And, I'm plain and simply, a proud Baca. 
Pictures pilfered from Jo's blog:)