Thursday, December 27, 2012

Live - From the Birdhouse!

Happy New Year from the Birdhouse!  We didn't get our usual Christmas letter sent out this year and so I am putting out the e-version of our recap for the year. We are grateful for so many things.

We had a busy and great year.  The best news is that we are awaiting the birth of our 8th grandchild, a second daughter to James and Suzanne, any day now.  She has been on bed rest during most of the Christmas season and was released to resume activity normally on Christmas Eve.  Of course, the Dr. says that all looks stable and well now that they are ready for her to make her entrance.  We are so grateful for technology and modern medicine that has blessed our lives so much.  Grace has grown so much, is so animated, and will be a great big sister.  She is beautiful, with carmel skin & big brown eyes & looks a lot like James. We're expecting the next little girl to be a blue-eyed blonde like her mamma.

Ben and Laura's family is doing so well.  John and Catie are growing and they are loving being parents.  It is a joy to watch them, after waiting so long for the opportunity to be parents.  John looks a lot like Ben and Catie looks a lot like Laura.  They are exceptionally beautiful kids.  (No bias here.)  You never go to their house, but Ben isn't holding one of the babies when he answers the door.  They love taking them to experience new things.

Rich and Jo are busy parents of four young children.  With family, church callings and jobs, they do quite a balancing act - and they do a wonderful job of it.  Jo still works one day a week as a dental hygienist and I love my time with them on Mondays.  Cameron is in the 2nd grade, Eli is in Kindergarden and Miriam and Simon are at home with mom.  They are partners in crime and make quite a pair.  Miriam has the most beautiful blonde long blonde hair & Simon's has a tint of red.  When it comes to grandchildren, ours are exceptionally cute.  I hate to brag, but it is the honest truth here.

Scott will begin his last semester in January and will graduate in biology from BYU-Provo.  His options after that are either a masters program in Wildlife Management at the U of I, dental school, or Podiatry school.  Life is all about options and he has many!  It has been so nice to have him home with us for the holidays.

Jessica began her junior year at BYU-Idaho this fall.  She is majoring in business/finance but is considering a change while she still can, so we will keep you posted on that.  She love her life, her roomates and "the burg", as she calls it.  And, of course - guys.  It's so much fun to have her home to spend time with us.

Gordon is in his 6th year of serving as Bishop.  While it requires a lot of time away and keeps him extremely busy, the blessings have been overwhelming.  It has been a privilege for our family to have him serve.

I continue to sell Real Estate when things cooperate.  It has been an up and down (mostly down) market, especially this year. I predict a great year, though!  We did something out of the box for us this year - we went to Hawai'i!  We went with some friends and went  when Boise State played Hawai'i.   It was the highlight for me.  I loved the weather, the beaches, sun, laid-back lifestyle, food, just everything.

Because I like to put a positive spin on things, I realize that it can look like I am bragging, or like we have a life of ease, with no challenges.  Such is not the case.  Our challenges remain that - ours.  We have them; we battle just like everyone does.  Some times it seems like they are more and sometimes it seems like they are less.  We press forward, grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and realize that, through Him, all things are made whole, right and well.

Health, happiness and best wishes to you and yours this new year.

With Love,
The Birds