We had a nice long holiday with Jessica before she went back to school. She left the day of my birthday for her second semester. Here, she is out to dinner at Cheesecake Factory with us on our anniversary. She posted on facebook: "you know your parents are old when they invite you along on their anniversary dinner!"
Birthday Week - We celebrated Richard's birth on the 8th of Jan., my Dad's on the 7th, Gordon's on the 10th and mine on the 16th.
Rich opening his birthday presents. I loved watching his kids at his knee, so excited at everything they gave him.
Gordon's turn to blow out the candles.
Eli loves little children, especially Grace.
Grace loves playing with her cousins.
Gordon actually saying, "Who's the Man?" in his tenor-most voice. (With actions) He says it all they time, we were glad to document it.
Everyone gets to be "Chuck" for their birthday. Long story....maybe I'll repost it.
My birthday cake made by Suzanne.
Grace loves Avacado! All over her face and chair, that is.
Outfit Formula: Solid Neutrals
1 day ago