Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My favorite Grandkid photos!

Baca's helper
Cameron and "Baca" on the boat
Muscle Man Cameron

Cameron and Grandpa

Eli's toothy little grin!

If you are a grand parent, you know the joy of having grandchildren. Of course, mine are the cutest!


Jeff and Caroline McAllister said...

Wow Julie,
This is so neat. Amber has a blog that we love to check and it keeps her in touch with alot of her friends from here. I love this and maybe I can get Amber to help me put something like this together also. Isn't it amazing how time flies. I still remember so vividly your home over on Hickory and visiting teaching you over there. It is wonderful to see all your boys/thier wives/your darling grand kids and Jessica's cute dance pictures. Good job at setting this up, you have inspired me! Fun Fun!

JoJo said...

It turned out great Julie! I anxiously await what is to come!

Jeff said...

Very impressive, Julie. I especially like the picture of Cameron flexing. I can just picture Richard and Cameron comparing muscles.