The next thing that invaded my yard, specifically the flower pots, is a pesky little bug called a spider mite. The first thing to go (at the end of July) was the Lobelia. All of a sudden, it looked like it was drying up, but was getting plenty of water. Within a week to 10 days, it was all gone and so I pulled it out of the pots. The next thing to look sick were the two beautiful pots of marigolds. Finally, I had to pull them out too. Next came the Petunias. Then I was talking with someone who has their own greenhouse and grows a lot from seed and start and he told me it sounded like spider mites. He said to check the underside of the petunias and look for little black dots. As you can see in the picture, they had made a home with my petunias. So, I cut the petunia pots down and treated them with aphid spray (it's also good to pour it into the soil). I am hoping to salvage one more nice bloom out of the Petunias before the fall.
In going with the "green thing", an organic way to treat Aphids, mites, or any garden bugs is to pour dishsoap/water mixture (10 to one water to soap) into the soil.
To all the gardeners out there, here's to fighting the "unseen enemies" and coming out on top!(My pellet gun is available and I have an arsenal of chemical treatments in the garage). I also have some sweet mouth/nose guards I got at the dollar store so you don't breathe all the fumes. Then again...the soap and water are a lot safer. It just depends on your level of craziness with your enemies. I am pretty far gone at this point, so I'm willing to try anything! I'd love any helpful hints, suggestions and stories. So I don't end on a negative note, below is the garden report of everything that has made it through the enemy attacks this summer.