Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas at the Birdhouse

Suzanne helping Grace open her presents.  Grace was in such a fun mood and you could tell she was enjoying ripping presents open.  Who doesn't like that?

Miriam opening her present.
 After opening her boots, she grabbed the green tissue paper from the box and was so excited about it.  Kids need so little to excite them. 
Cam loved his BSU pillow pet.  Eli got one too but had to wait until the next day to open it.  He was sick and didn't join in the party.  We missed his smiling little face!
 Jo loved her Vera Wang brown riding boots.  I have such a great story of extreme shopping success on those that I'll share another time.
Ben is never seen without one of the twins in his arms.  Christmas came in September for Ben and Laura.

I feel such great joy when my family is gathered together.  That is the greatest Christmas present of all to me.
That, and the added bonus that they have all turned out to be such wonderful adults that I am so proud of.

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