Thursday, May 31, 2012


 Ben and Laura surprised me on Mothers Day with my first ever Corsage.  It's a beautiful orchid with a pink middle.  It has been in the fridge since; I can't get rid of it.  Not a great picture, I know, since it is getting brown at the edges but it was so thoughtful of them and I appreciated it so much.  I was so spoiled on Mother's Day.  I had the whole family together for dinner and chillin' in the backyard.  They all made sure I felt their appreciation, each one so thoughtfully  (Next post, I'll share what I had for the daughters in law since they are moms too). 

This year is the first time my "Peace" rose has bloomed since I transplanted it to the front.  It struggled out in back and it's such a beautiful rose, I couldn't let that happen.  I believe this is my favorite of all the roses, even though it doesn't have a very strong scent.  That's the great thing about roses; they all have differing characteristics.  The yellow smells the sweetest, Mr. Lincoln smells classically elegant, Lucille Ball doesn't have much scent, but the blossoms are one of my favorite colors.  The transplanted pink one from last year has a beautiful scent as well.  I need to have a name for this one, as it is not a registered rose.  Hmmmmm.......

The many phases of the Peace rose as it gets to full bloom.

It goes from total yellow with red tips to yellow, pink and then white with pink tips. So pretty!
It took two years, but it was well worth the move.


Melanie Rae Gibson said...

I am so glad you had a good Mother's day. :) I love your roses! I didn't know there was a rose that went through so many different colors! So pretty!

Laura said...

You deserved it! And your roses are beautiful!


Your rose pictures are lovely and I can only imagine they look even prettier in real life. What an awesome skill to grow roses like that!

I'm glad you got spoiled on Mother's Day! It's wonderful to hear that the "old fashioned" tradition of giving corsages (besides for school dances) is making a come back. I've always loved that tradition.