We said good-bye to a dear family friend this week; our beloved blue boat. Considering it is a boat, it was surprisingly emotional when the time for parting came. This is Gordon hooking on to the boat to take it to it's new home. We went together and dropped her off at the boat dealership; not in the front with all the new boats, but in back.
Back where all of the "used" and abandoned boats were left.
All of a sudden I had visions of "Toy Story" in my head; you know, how Annie told Andy what happened to her.
"You're old now. I don't want to play with you anymore."
I wanted to say,
"Stop! I have to leave a note with the boat and here is what it should say:
This boat served a family for 10 straight years and never once left them stranded. She started up every time and purred like a kitty. Five children of the family and countless other family & friends learned to two-ski, slalom or wakeboard behind her. She was witness to family times that will never be forgotten; the 'beginning of the summer' parties on Memorial Day and the 'end of the summer' parties on Labor Day. She took them on Island Park Reservoir many years in a row to watch the 4th of July fireworks. She was home to many hours sitting at Robie Creek with the radio on, swimming and tanning.
Her wake. Oh her glorious wake. It was so small that many a skier clamored to ski behind her, so easy was her wake to ski.
Also never to be forgotten will be the cassette tape player. We had only one tape that was ever played. Diamond Rio's first release; the only music besides a radio channel that was ever played. Those songs said, 'home of the blue boat' to us'."
As I thought of all the things I would write, I thought, "Hey, wait! Why are we moving on? Why are we leaving this cherished blue boat here?"
As we drove away, it comforted me to know that there in the tape player sat Diamond Rio's first release tape. Ready to go for it's new family.
Bye Blue Boat. It's been a great ride.