That is what happened tonight with Jessica and Gordon. She was trying to hold a straight face at the dinner table and finally mentioned the eye twitch, which has been going on and off for most of the past year. We jokingly teased him about it and he abruptly walked away from the table.
We felt really bad.
Then he returned - with sunglasses on! "Now can you hold a straight face when you talk to me?"
Oh sure - no problem.
I tell him all the time that it's the six year twitch - the six or so years he'll most likely serve as Bishop.
Hey, the stress has gotta come out somewhere. Good thing it's just a twitch. It could be a flailing arm, a funny sound, an involuntary snort, or worse; something that sunglasses don't cover up.
He looks pretty cool in them, don't you think?
The real problem is that he already HAS all of those other ailments, they're just not caused by stress:) It's a good thing we all love him so much, poor pitiful picked on Gordon.
I am the one that had the twitch when my husband was Bishop. Single parenting does that to me. My guy started running and now he can't stop.
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