Saturday, October 24, 2009

Who are "they"?

Sometimes pet peeves are just on your mind. This morning as I emptied the dishwasher and dumped water down the front of me, it was brought to the fore-front again.

Why do "they" make pan handles, strainer handles; you-name-it handles with little reservoirs on the bottom side of them? I can get the cups with a hollow spot on the bottom; they pretty much have to be made that way, but handles?

I think that "they" need an advisory panel (aka: regulator for anyone who knows my secret, yearned for church calling) to sift out these kinds of un user-friendly things about consumer goods.

Who are "they" anyway?


Taylor said... would be an excellent regulator.

Robin said...

They are the same people who make us pay to recycle.

diane said...

They are annoying.

My secret calling is Homemaking napkin coordinator. I would be excellent at that. No meetings required.

Tami said...

I think they must be men sitting around a boardroom somewhere, someone who hasn't actually used the product they are designing, manufacturing and selling to the unsuspecting homemaker. I think these are the same men who design home floor plans with an obstacle course between the garage and the kitchen so the homemaker-grocery-carrier gets a workout navigating through it!

Tami said...

Oh yeah...and the same guys who design the laundry room on a different floor from the things that need to be washed!

Laura said...

Agreed. I seem to soak myself with those and turned-upside-down small tupperware dishes.