Has anyone noticed the braided edge of most towels?
I suppose the makers think they are pretty-ing up the towel, providing embellishment.
Pay attention the next time you are drying your hands after washing with hot, soappy water (several times per day, thanks to H1N1). Where do you grab to dry? The middle? No - the end, where the braided part is. There is no fluffy towel there.
When you step out of the shower or bath, what part of the towel do you use?
I am on a quest to find towels with no braided or embellished edges.
In the meantime, grabbing the towel in the middle to dry will have to do.
Just some random thoughts about towels.
Outfit Formula: A Side of Chartreuse
1 day ago
Oh, my kids know not to use those towels. Once they are washed they are rags!
I love your random thoughts on towels. Hmmm.
Maybe you can put on your headlamp and invent some new ones.
No kidding. And why aren't the pretty ones more absorbant? Is there someone somewhere that says only ugly towels can be absorbant?! Even soft thick ones are just spreading the moisture around. What's up with that?!
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