Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bird Christmas Party

Jess, Gordon, Scott and I made an impromptu visit to Idaho Falls on Monday for the Bird Family Christmas Party.  What a great time it was.  Grandma Bird had all 5 of her children there and it was Grandpa Bird's 81st birthday.  They are both awesome. 

Grandpa played guitar (and Scott, a little) and we sang Christmas songs.  Then he had Bishop Gordon give a message.  It was a highlight of this Christmas.

And then we came home - 24 hours later.  Two shopping days until Christmas Eve.  Wow.  Christmas is close.

But it was worth it.

Pictures to follow; for some reason it won't let me load them right now.

1 comment:

Melanie Rae Gibson said...

I'm so sad we couldn't go! I wanted to but I had to work the next morning so it wasn't going to work.