Saturday, December 11, 2010

Second time around

 The Christmas village I put up every year is especially vulnerable this year......thanks to:
 This little sweetie!  She is a goer and a doer this one.  But I have to say that she is obedient too.
 We reached a compromise with her and her brothers; everything that doesn't have a light under it can be played with, including the nativity set. 
My own kids will groan at how flexible I've become with the grandchildren.  But I look at being a grandma as trying to do all of the things you should have done the first time around.


JoJo said...

That is good perspective. I've certainly been frustrated with her "hands-on" approach to our Christmas tree.

Melanie Rae Gibson said...

Isn't that what grandma's are for... to say "yes" when mom would say "no"?