Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Two of my favorite boys!

Today I got to spend the afternoon with Cameron and Eli. We played in the backyard and ate lunch. Eli loved poking around in the garden, picking the green cherry tomatoes. I didn't mind, as long as he didn't eat them. He only tried that once. He also loves the "rock garden" unintentionally created just for the boys near the back gate.
Cam loves to play soccer, jump on the trampoline and play two square. They both love to get the nozzles to the hose and play "guns". I am amazed how little boys pick that up. No mother I know ever said to their little boy, "here's a (hose nozzle, bread crust, stick, etc;) now see if you can shoot each other. I know from experience - it just happens, like the truck sound that comes out sometime between a year and a year and a half. In case you can't tell, I just love little boys, especially these two.

1 comment:

JoJo said...

I love those boys too! :)