Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last of Lucky Peak

I skied and wasn't even very sore later in the week!!!
One of my favorite boat drivers.  Scott has left for the summer; back down to Provo to teach Laotian at the MTC.
Scott and Jess while they were still on the tubes.  they spent a great deal of time in the water.

Rich cliff jumping.
The brothers commented how "cool" Jessica was for being brave enough to jump.

All good things must come to an end.  This is one of many loads that took all of our camping gear out.
I can't wait until next year.



I'm impressed with you water skiing. I remember cliff jumping. It's a bit scary. Our daughter's first date with her now husband was cliff jumping. He was astonished that she was so brave and daring.

Laura said...

It was a party! I'm looking forward to next year. Maybe we'll go all out and build a fire:)

Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

We did have a fire the night before you and Ben got there. No patrols that night, I guess.