Saturday, January 17, 2009

Alpha Wolf

Jessica's novelty dance for Sweet Liberty is a mixture of alligators, Elvis, robots, and wolves w/little red riding hoods. Friday she was trying on her costume for me and Meaghan so we could apply velcro in the right places because they were performing Friday night.
She proudly announced to Meaghan, "I'm the head wolf".
And that's when she became, "Alpha Wolf " (haha for all you Twilight lovers).
To be fair, Gordon had actually said it the night before, so he deserves credit, but this was the moment she really took it on. Spencer Foote has been dubbed "Alpha Elvis" by us because she was the best Elvis.
Fun Stuff!


Laura said...

I expect to see her wearing those boots around:) Good looking stuff!

Tyler and Carisa said...

So cute!!!

Robin said...

can you get video of her performance and post it? I miss the great centennial dance team.

Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

Yes! I will post video of her performances after Feb. 14th, when we have our first competition with the Boise Valley teams. Until then, it's top secret.......

Tami said...

I can't wait to see what kinds of ads your "Alpha Wolf Elvis" words inspires! Your daughter is so cute.

Clint and Kandi said...

yes alpha wolf and alpha elvis go team go! and clint says jessica is the fastest change artist in the west too. Isn't she the alpha chef too.? good thing for velcro!


What a fun costume! It reminds me somewhat of the "cats" costumes which my dance students LOVED!

The whole dance sounds highly creative and exciting!

Dance is AWESOME!