Today is one of my favorite days of the year; actually, last Saturday and today. It is when I trim back my roses for the Spring. I wait for just the right day in February when it is warm and sunny enough to get outside and work.
It signals that spring is just around the corner.....And that means sunshine, fresh dirt and new plants. I can't wait!
I transplanted a beautiful pink rosebush to the front this year and put the somewhat struggling pink one from the front in back. This is the A-1 spot for roses to grow in the yard. It must be the heat that comes off the bricks (they face west) and the extra attention they get being right by the front door.
Last Fall when "we" (that's the royal we) raked the leaves, there were a couple of spots where the leaves had started to rot into the ground. Every time I go out to get the mail, I notice that the spots are getting bigger and bigger. Last Sunday the home teachers were here and I made a little discovery. (I WAS paying attention....). The whole time, there was this squirrel pulling up the grass from the spots and running to his little nest somewhere. I got out my broom and attempted to chase him off with it, but he was way gone before I even made it out the door. I considered my pellet gun, but I need to practice hitting something first. Besides, Gordon says it's not a good idea to open the door and start shooting. What to do, What to do.........
While the home teachers were here, we got talking about cats and how they love to make dirt piles right by your front door and leave their "evidence" behind. I have that problem there, and also in my front rose garden. He mentioned that if you put red pepper flakes down, the cats will lick their paws and the pepper flakes will burn. It takes a couple of weeks, but they figure it out (they're smart ones, cats are) and stop coming to that spot.
I figured, hey - if it's good enough for cats, it should work on squirrels too, right? So today, after I finished the backyard trimming, I put down red pepper flakes in both places the cats frequent and on the bare spots in the yard. My new past time is going to be sitting in the living room and watching the squirrels get theirs. I am fine with the little creatures, as long as they don't eat my lawn.
Merino Wool Versus Cashmere Knits
22 hours ago