My daughter in law, Jo was "interviewed" on her blog, and I enjoyed reading it because the questions were not a standard tag, but unique to her. She offered to interview me so here it goes:
1) You were blessed with four boys and then a daughter. What has been the biggest difference you have noticed in raising a girl?
I think the differences were so glaring because we had raised four boys together and had developed a pattern for teaching, discipline, work, etc; that boys responded to. Along came Jessica and all of that was out the window for the simple reason that girls are much more emotional. We had to develop new ways to teach, discipline and all those things that she would respond to. The really only difficult part of it was that we were still raising the boys and sometimes they didn’t think things were fair. But with a boy, there is a disagreement, you work it out, pat them on the head and off they go with a smile. The same thing can be a week long process with a girl.
All this being said, I have loved raising my sons, and I am so glad the Lord gave me the chance to raise my daughter. Having things even out a little bit has been a treat for me! Jessica and I tease Gordon now about the "girl power" in the household and how long it has been in coming.
2) I know you enjoy a variety of tv shows. If you were given only one more hour of television, which show would you choose to watch?
I would have to say, “24” because each episode is like a mini-movie and I like to think I could be a special agent with all the gadgets and do all the really dangerous things that the babes who work with Jack Bauer do. But I do love to read, though. Mostly anything Clive Cussler writes.
3) I know we share a love for skiing and in recent years a lack of opportunities to do it. What do you look forward to most when you get the chance to hit the slopes?
Well, that has been on my mind since Bogus is having the 199 pass special until this Sunday. It’s good for the rest of this year and all of next. I have been mulling it over. The biggest consideration is my knee. I would love to get back up there with regularity. Jess would like to do it too. I love spring skiing when the sun is beating down on you and the snow is soft. I have a harder time with the cold than I used to, so I have to take frequent Hot Chocolate breaks! My favorite part of skiing with my kids while they were growing up is the ability to have them all to myself on a chairlift (captive audience:) and talk about life, plans for the future and nature.
4) As a mother you have a gift for believing in your children's success 100%. What has helped you to be so supportive?
It’s just so easy to look into your children’s eyes and watch them and see what they are/would be good at in their lives. As they grow, children can sometimes doubt what they can do , thanks to the negative influences in the world and negative people. In my opinion, they need their mom to re-enforce things for them. Sometimes you know that they can do something but they don’t know it yet. Of course, they say, “You have to say that, you’re my mom”, but I think when they get older they realize it’s true.
5) Your youngest son will return from a two year mission this summer. What excites you most about his return?
To have the whole family together again! For the last 9 years, one of them has been gone, with a couple of exceptions in between. I am so excited for there not to be a hole in a family picture at a wedding, or at Christmas dinner.
And then there’s his sense of humor.
Watching movies with him.
Quoting "The Grinch" together
Water skiing.
Horseback riding.
But probably the most exciting thing of his return is seeing the young man he has grown into in our absence.
If you are interested in having me give you a few interview questions for you to answer on your blog, be one of the first five people to follow these instructions and I’ll be in touch.
1. Leave me a comment in this post saying, “Interview me” (please include your email address as well).
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions of my choosing.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include these instructions and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions each.
Wardrobe Capsules For Your Life
1 day ago
Great answers! I agree with you about the chairlifts. It is great quality time.
"interview me"
I loved your answers... I have lived in Boise my entire life... and now I don't, and I have never been skiing/snowboarding... I would love to try it, and as well, introduce my kids to it...
You are a SUPER mom!
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